terça-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2011

System Hacking

Mais um super pacoto Hacker, material excelente!

O pacote contem: 
- Administrator Password Guessing
- Performing Automated Password Guessing
- Legion
- NTInfoScan
- Defending Against Password Guessing
- Monitoring Event Viewer Logs
- VisualLast
- Eavesdroppin on Network Password Exchange
- Hacking Tool: L0phtCrack
- Hacking Tool: KerbCrack
- Privilege Escalation
- Hacking Tool: GetAdmin
- Hacking Tool: hk
- Manual Password Cracking Algorithm
- Automatic Password Cracking Algorithm
- Password Types
- Types of Password Attacks
- Dictionary AttackageHide
- Hacking Tool: MP
- Brute Force Attack
- Distributed Brute Force Attack
- Password Change Interval
- Hybrid Attack
- Cracking Windows 2000 Passwords
- Retrieving the SAM file
- Redirecting SMB Logon to the Attacker
- SMB Redirection
- Hacking Tool: SMBRelay
- Hacking Tool: SMBRelay2
- SMBRelay Man-in-the-Middle (MITM)
- SMBRelay MITM Countermeasures
- Hacking Tool: SMBGrinder
- Hacking Tool: SMBDie
- Hacking Tool: NBTDeputy
- NetBIOS DoS Attack
- Hacking Tool: nbname
- Hacking Tool: John the Ripper
- LanManager Hash
- Password Cracking Countermeasures
- Keystroke Logger
- Hacking Tool: Spector
- AntiSpector
- Hacking Tool: eBlaster
- Hacking Tool: SpyAnywhere
- Hacking Tool: IKS Software Logger
- Hardware Tool: Hardware Key Logger
- Hacking Tool: Rootkit
- Planting Rootkit on Windows 2000 Machine
- rootkit embedded TCP/IP Stack
- Rootkit Countermeasures
- MD5 Checksum utility
- Tripwire
- Covering Tracks
- Disabling Auditing
- Auditpol
- Clearing the Event Log
- Hacking Tool: Elslave
- Hacking Tool: Winzapper
- Hacking Tool: Evidence Eliminator
- Hidding Files
- NTFS File Streaming
- Hacking Tool: makestrm
- NTFS Streams Countermeasures
- Steganography
- Hacking Tool: Im3Stego
- Hacking Tool: Snow
- Hacking Tool: Camera/Shy
- Steganography Detection
- StegDetect
- Encrypted File System
- Hacking Tool: dskprobe
- Hacking Tool: EFSView

Tamanho: 150MB
Download:       PARTE 1 

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